I have always loved traveling.
As a family we traveled a lot when I was younger. I took my first solo
plane ride from Brazil to Germany when I was 8 years old; what were my parents
thinking? So it is no surprise that I
chose a career that has taken me all over the world.
Well... traveling with two kids is a whole different story. Words
can't express how hard it is to travel with two kids to a golf tournament. The amount
of stuff necessary to travel with them is insane. It takes so much organizing
and planning ahead and I am not the best at organizing or at planning ahead so maybe
that is the problem! I am not the only mother that does this and many parents travel
with a lot more kids than I do, but I don't know how they do it. Hats off to

I am sure I will accumulate a lot more little stories along the
way and it will not be the last time I get that panicked feeling. This is our
life on the road and I have learned to expect the unexpected and to adjust and
adapt. Progress!
I would love to hear your stories about traveling with your kids
and any advice you might have!
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